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RPP Kelas 2 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017: Perangkat Pembelajaran Terbaru untuk Guru SD/MI


Download RPP Kelas 2 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017

If you are a teacher of grade 2 in elementary school or Islamic school in Indonesia, you might be looking for a way to download RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) for semester 1 based on Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017. In this article, we will explain what RPP is, why it is important, and how to download it. We will also give you some tips on how to use it effectively in your classroom.

download rpp kelas 2 semester 1 kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017

What is RPP?

RPP is a plan of learning activities that is developed from the syllabus to guide the learning process of students in order to achieve the competency standards (Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar) of each subject or theme. It is a document that contains the following components:

  • The identity of the school, class, subject or theme, semester, meeting number, time allocation, and learning objectives.

  • The basic competencies (Kompetensi Dasar) that are related to the learning objectives.

  • The indicators of achievement (Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi) that are used to measure the students' mastery of the basic competencies.

  • The learning materials (Materi Pembelajaran) that are relevant to the basic competencies and indicators.

  • The learning methods (Metode Pembelajaran) that are suitable for the learning objectives, materials, indicators, and students' characteristics.

  • The learning media (Media Pembelajaran) that are used to support the learning methods and materials.

  • The learning resources (Sumber Belajar) that are used to enrich the learning materials and media.

  • The assessment techniques (Teknik Penilaian) that are used to evaluate the students' learning outcomes.

  • The assessment instruments (Instrumen Penilaian) that are used to collect data about the students' learning outcomes.

  • The feedback and follow-up (Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut) that are given to improve the students' learning outcomes.

Why is RPP important?

RPP RPP is important because it can help teachers to:

  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing a clear and systematic plan of learning activities that are aligned with the curriculum, the students' needs, and the learning objectives.

  • Facilitate the implementation of the curriculum by translating the syllabus into operational and measurable learning activities that are relevant to the context and situation of the school.

  • Enhance the professional development of teachers by encouraging them to reflect on their own teaching practice, to collaborate with other teachers, and to update their knowledge and skills.

How to download RPP?

Sources of RPP

There are many websites that provide RPP for free, especially for Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017. Here are some of them:

  • : This is a cloud storage service that allows users to upload and share files online. You can find many RPP files that are uploaded by other teachers or institutions. You can download them by clicking on the file name and then clicking on the download icon.

  • : This is a website that provides various educational resources, such as RPP, syllabus, lesson plans, worksheets, books, and articles. You can download RPP by choosing the subject, grade, and semester that you want. You can also search for RPP by using keywords.

  • : This is another website that provides various educational resources, such as RPP, syllabus, lesson plans, worksheets, books, and articles. You can download RPP by choosing the subject, grade, and semester that you want. You can also search for RPP by using keywords.

  • : This is a website that is managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. It aims to facilitate teachers to share their RPP and other teaching materials with other teachers. You can download RPP by registering as a member and then browsing or searching for the RPP that you want.

Tips for downloading RPP

Before you download RPP from any website, here are some tips that you should consider:

  • Choose the appropriate file format. Some RPP files are in PDF format, which means you cannot edit them easily. Some RPP files are in Word or Excel format, which means you can edit them easily. Choose the file format that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Check the validity and completeness of the RPP. Some RPP files may not be valid or complete, which means they may not follow the curriculum standards or they may lack some components. Check the validity and completeness of the RPP by comparing it with the syllabus and the curriculum guidelines.

  • Customize the RPP according to your needs and context. Some RPP files may not be suitable for your school or class situation, which means they may not match your students' characteristics or needs. Customize the RPP according to your needs and context by modifying some elements, such as the learning objectives, indicators, materials, methods, media, resources, assessment techniques, instruments, feedback, and follow-up.

How to use RPP?

Preparing for RPP

Before you use RPP in your classroom, you need to prepare for it by doing the following steps:

  • Review the curriculum. You need to understand the curriculum standards, the syllabus, and the basic competencies of the subject or theme that you are going to teach.

  • Analyze the students' characteristics and needs. You need to know the students' background, interests, abilities, learning styles, and difficulties.

  • Select the theme and subtheme. You need to choose a theme and subtheme that are relevant to the curriculum, the students' needs, and the learning objectives.

  • Set the learning objectives. You need to formulate the learning objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

Implementing RPP

When you use RPP in your classroom, you need to implement it by doing the following steps:

  • Organize the learning activities. You need to arrange the learning activities that are sequenced, varied, interactive, and meaningful.

  • Use various teaching methods and media. You need to use different teaching methods and media that are appropriate for the learning objectives, materials, indicators, and students' characteristics.

  • Assess the students' learning outcomes. You need to use various assessment techniques and instruments that are valid, reliable, fair, and authentic.

  • Provide feedback and follow-up. You need to give feedback and follow-up that are constructive, timely, and supportive.

Evaluating RPP

After you use RPP in your classroom, you need to evaluate it by doing the following steps:

  • Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the RPP. You need to identify what worked well and what did not work well in your RPP.

  • Collect feedback from students and colleagues. You need to ask for feedback from your students and colleagues about your RPP.

  • Revise and improve the RPP. You need to make changes and improvements to your RPP based on your reflection and feedback.


In conclusion, RPP is a plan of learning activities that is based on the curriculum and designed to achieve the learning objectives. It is important for teachers to download and use RPP because it can improve the quality of teaching and learning, facilitate the implementation of the curriculum, and enhance the professional development of teachers. To download RPP, teachers can use various sources of RPP online, but they should also check the validity and completeness of the RPP and customize it according to their needs and context. To use RPP effectively, teachers should prepare for it, implement it, and evaluate it in their classroom. We hope this article has been helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!


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  • What is Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017?Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017 is a revision of Kurikulum 2013 that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia in 2017. It aims to improve the quality of education by emphasizing the development of character values, life skills, literacy skills, higher-order thinking skills, and scientific inquiry skills among students.

  • How many meetings are there in one semester for each subject or theme?The number of meetings for each subject or theme in one semester depends on the time allocation (Alokasi Waktu) that is determined by each school based on their situation and condition. However, there is a minimum time allocation (Alokasi Waktu Minimal) that is set by the government for each subject or theme in each grade level.

  • How can I make my own RPP?You can make your own RPP by following the steps that we have explained in this article. You can also use some templates or examples of RPP that are available online as references or guides.

  • How can I share my RPP with other teachers?You can share your RPP with other teachers by uploading it to some websites that allow teachers to share their RPP and other teaching materials with other teachers. For example, you can use website that is managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia.

  • Where can I find more information about RPP?You can find more information about RPP by reading some books, articles, or guidelines that are related to RPP and Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017. You can also consult with some experts or experienced teachers who can give you some advice or suggestions about RPP.



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