There is no need to register or activate the product. If you encounter difficulties with the license please go to the support page to enter a service request. Choose "Category: Software Product Support and Topic: License Issue" and provide the requested information. Your service request will be created automatically. You will receive a service request number unique to your issue, which you can use for further communication with us should difficulties arise.
Freescale Codewarrior 10 License
Special Editions are fully functional free download versions of the CodeWarrior Development Studio with code size restrictions on the build chain. Special Editions are pre-licensed, not bound to a single machine and are not time restricted. You do not need to register the tools or ask for a license.
Detail information for product "CodeWarrior for MCU" version "10.7.0.FSL_b06017"status: "Unknown error with key BasicEditionMCU 10.5, LM_NOT_THIS_HOST. "License model: "class com.freescale.core.ide.license.flexlm.FlexlmActivate11"Contact Email: licensing@freescale.comRegister URL: Purchase URL: FlexLM Eval Period: 15 day(s)GTL Server: gtlsrvr.metrowerks.comGTL Port: 80 (8,080)Wants Host ID: trueLicense file path: C:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.7\MCU\license.datflexlmFileLocator: nullflexlmFile: $MCU_TOOLS_HOME/license.datLicense file URL: file:/C:/Freescale/CW MCU v10.7/eclipse/../MCU/license.datError String: Unknown error with key BasicEditionMCU 10.5, LM_NOT_THIS_HOST. Mandatory feature keys: BasicEditionMCU 10.5, status : Unknown error with key BasicEditionMCU, LM_NOT_THIS_HOST.Alternate Keys:(no keys)LM_PATH=nullLicense file Content (C:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.7\MCU\license.dat): #CodeWarrior Development Suite - Basic Edition, Annual Subscription, Floating#License - CodeWarrior for MCU Basic Edition (Windows - Eclipse) for Paul Han#Software AccountSERVER this_host DISK_SERIAL_NUM=xxxxxxxxVENDOR metrowksUSE_SERVERINCREMENT BasicEditionMCU metrowks 10.5 04-jan-2018 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx \ VENDOR_STRING="CodeWarrior for MCU Basic Edition (Windows - \ Eclipse)" DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUER="Freescale Semiconductor" \ ISSUED=04-jan-2017 ck=116 SN="FSL - xxxxxxxx" TS_OK
We followed with the instruction and got most of license installed. There is a problem we have on the port used for the license. port 27000 (in the Server status tab the perform Status Enquiry returns the license info for NI Labview) is used. Can we use any port or has to be 27000? Is it possible to use a different port for the NCP licenses?
I use the codewarrior software only for load P2020 u-boot file to the Flash,but now It seems that I can't use the software.what can I do for it? Is't that it must buy a license for the further using when I load boot file to the P2020's Flash?
If you are using an evaluation license, you should have generated a license.dat file and place it in the installation folder. For the Power Architecture v10.5 normally should be placed in C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.5\PA.
I keep getting reminders that my license is about to expire (on May 8th). Will I still be able to use the software after this expiration, or do I need to do something to get a permanent or extended FREE license, as mentioned in the reminders?
When I checked "Freescale Licenses" in the Help Menu, it says that for the "CodeWarrior for MCU", Version "10.6.4.FSL_...", that the License is expiring in 30 days. Not sure if this is really true, or do I need to do something else to make it permanent? Again, I will only be developing for the MC9S08QB8 device, which has a maximum of 8KBytes (less than the 64K Limit). Is there a license version that can be appended to this installation that makes it permanent and still keeps the 64K maximum limit in force?
i just bought a codewarrior development suite(CWP_PRO_NL) with a USB dongle, but when i start the codewarrior IDE, a message appear to let me register (picture 1), and I have registered many times successfully, but the message always appears. i dont know why??
I also installed the "codewarrior development studio for PA"it has the same issue message about register. After added the additional key,it still appear the same message. It seems that the additional key is not useful for codewarrior development studio for PA. There are many software in my codewarrior development suite, how can I reslove the issue for all software ?
Note: The Special Edition is FREE but limited to C compiler and C source-level debugger code and data size restricted to 64 KB and has other restrictions. If you need more functionality, you will need to buy a license from NXP
My query is still the same that since the license.dat file generated is for server side and it contains the MAC address of server, it doesnt run on client machine, so how to make client fetch the file from server ?
As explained the client has 3 ways to contact the server. Only 1 of these ways must be used. Depending of your LAN architecture I can not say you which one will work. Sometimes the 3 ways are running and sometimes only the port@host or port-daemon@host can be used. How the tool is checking the license ? Case A: By default the tool tries to find the license.dat in the installation folder. It could be C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.4.0\PA\license.dat -> this is the first way Else if a LM_LICENSE_FILE or METROWERKS_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is defined the, the system will check all variables defined in this environment variables. Here there are 2 ways to define the license.dat. Case B: If the license.dat is not placed in the default folder (Case A). You must set the environment variable. For instance the license.dat is placed in C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat You should have: LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat or METROWERKS_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Freescale\license_all\license.dat Case A and B required the same license file used by the server is placed on the client. In this case the license.dat file used must be the same license file used by the server. Case C: No license.dat file is used on client. Using LM_LICENSE_FILE or METROWERKS_LICENSE_FILE environment variables allow you to define a server and a port. This information must be compliant with the license file defined on server. Example of license file: SERVER My_server_name 00123456789A 1710 Server Name: My_server_name Port: 1710 To access this server you must use: LM_LICENSE_FILE=1710@ My_server_name or METROWERKS_LICENSE_FILE=1710@ My_server_name Case D: Now depending of your LAN, this is the case for complex architecture (different subnets, access via VPN, etc), the Case C (as case A & B) could not work. The solution is to define a port for the daemon. Extract of new license file:
1 CodeWarrior Development Studio Floating Licensing Quick Start This quick start guide explains how to set up a floating license server of Freescale software products licensed with FLEXlm (e.g. CodeWarrior). A floating license scheme consists of one or more license servers that run the license management process that distributes licenses to the various client machines. The client machines will have the Freescale software installed (e.g. CodeWarrior) and they will communicate with the license server(s) using TCP/IP. The following figure shows an illustration of the floating licensing scheme: Floating License Scheme Installing and configuring a floating license setup involves four steps: 1. Installing the license server utilities on the server(s) 2. Configuring and Installing the license file on the server(s) 3. Starting the license server(s) 4. Configuring the client machines to obtain licenses from the server(s) Section A: Setting up Windows License Server(s) 1. Download the license manager installer for windows at: Installation needs to be done by someone with administrative privileges on the license server machine. 1
2 License Manager Installers Page 2. Click Download and save the appropriate license manager installer file to the desired location. 3. Access the location where you have saved the license manager installer file and install it by following the onscreen instructions. 4. The installer contains the following: a. lmtools.exe This is a graphical user interface program used to setup the license manager b. License manager utilities/software lmgrd.exe, lmutil.exe, etc., these are the actual FLEXlm utilities to enable server-based licensing. c. Vendor daemons metrowks.exe, etc., these are the Freescale specific files that are used to count and keep track of license distribution. 5. Select Start > Programs > FLEXlm for Metrowerks Tools > FLEXlm License Manager from the Windows taskbar. Starting FLEXlm License Manager LMTOOLS 6. Click the Service/License File tab and ensure that the Configuration using Services option is selected. 2
3 LMTOOLS Service/License File Tab 7. Click the Config Services tab to configure the services for your server. To configure the services: a. Service Name: Give your license service a name (e.g. Freescale License Manager) b. Path to the lmgrd.exe file: Browse to locate where your lmgrd.exe file resides (e.g. C:\FLEXlm\lmgrd.exe) c. Path to the license file: Browse to the location of your license file (e.g. C:\FLEXlm\license.dat) To complete this step, refer to the Section B: Configuring and Installing License File on your Server(s). d. Path to the debug log file: This is optional and can be left blank. However, if filled in, a debug log output is generated and stored in this file (e.g. C:\FLEXlm\Freescale_product.log) e. Use Services: Check this checkbox if you want to make this license manager a Windows service. f. Start Server at Power Up: Check this checkbox if you want the license manager service to be automatically started at power up of the server. The Start Server at Power Up option is only selectable if you check the Use Services checkbox. 3 2ff7e9595c