hiPSCs were plated on a Matrigel-coated 6-well cellculture dish at 2,000 cells per cm2 in mTeSR1 medium.The next day, the cells had reached 20-30% confluence and weretreated with gradient concentrations (0, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 µM) ofCHIR99021.e (Sigma-Aldrich; Merck KGaA; cat. no. SML1046) in APELbasal medium (Stemcell Technologies, Inc.; cat. no. 05270)supplemented with antibiotic-antimycotic (Thermo Fisher Scientific,Inc.; cat. no. 15240062) for 4 days.. The cells werethen collected and the mRNA levels of T, TBX6 and LHX1 (molecularmarkers of primitive streaking) were detected by RT-qPCR. In thenext step, the cells were treated with gradient concentrations (0,100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 ng/ml) of FGF9 (R&D Systems, Inc.;cat. no. 273-F9/CF) for 3 days and 1 µg/ml heparin (Sigma-Aldrich;Merck KGaA; cat. no. 9041-08-1) was simultaneously added. On the7th day, qPCR was used to detect the expression of the anteriorintermediate mesoderm marker GATA3, and the posterior intermediatemesoderm markers HOXD11 and EYA1. The medium was changed everyother day. The above induction processes were all in 37Cincubator. The best concentration of inducer was selected by theexpression of molecular marker.
The methods of inducing kidney organoid formationfrom hiPSCs have been widely discussed (7,8).However, the dosages of factors required for induction of kidneyorganoid formation in different hiPSC strains may be different;therefore, the induction procedure was optimized according to themethod by Takasato et al (7).First, hiPSCs were treated with gradient concentrations (0, 6, 8,10, 12 and 16 µM) of CHIR99021 for 4 days in a 37C incubator at 5%CO2, before they were observed under a light microscopeat x100 magnification (Fig. 1A). Thecells were then collected and the mRNA levels of T, TBX6 and LHX1(molecular markers of primitive streaking) were detected by RT-qPCR(Fig. 1B).
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The 3D culture of renal organoids in vitrowas examined (Fig. 3). Themorphology of kidney organoids was viewed under x40 lightmicroscope (Fig. 3A). H&Estaining analyses showed that hiPSCs were induced to form a tubularstructure in vitro (Fig. 3B).The expression levels of renal-related molecular markers in thecultured cells were detected by immunofluorescence. The tubulemarker LTL was identified to be strongly positive in the tubulestructure, while E-cadherin (ECAD) was weakly positive, suggestingthat the culture appeared to contain an immature renal tubulestructure (Fig. 3C). Some of thetubules were also found to be GATA3+ ECAD+,which indicated the existence of a collecting tube structure in theculture (Fig. 3D). In addition, thespecific markers for ureteric buds, such as RET and WNT11, weredetected by western blotting. The expression of WNT11 was higheston the 12th day of induction and then decreased. The expressiontrend of RET was similar to that of WNT11 (Fig. 3G). These results suggested that theproduction of ureteric progenitor cells during induction peaks onthe 12th day and then decreases. The culture was positive forPODXL, a marker of the renal podocyte, an important cell in theglomerular structure (5) (Fig. 3E). To confirm this result, themolecular markers of podocytes (NPHS1, PODXL and WT1) were detectedby western blotting (Fig. 3F). WT1began to be expressed on the 4th day of induction and was stillhighly expressed on the D18 day of the kidney organoids formationperiod The other two key podocyte markers were both highlyexpressed on D18 day of the kidney organoid formation period. Theseresults suggested that renal podocyte-like cells may exist in thekidney organoids.
As nutrient supply is a problem during invitro culture, organoid transplantation was carried out in thepresent study. The present results demonstrated that the renalcapsule provided a differentiation microenvironment that wassufficient for metanephros, while unilateral nephrectomy promotedcompensation of the other side of the kidney by increasing theblood supply. On the 12th day of the experiment, the culturedorganoids were transplanted into the renal capsules ofimmunodeficient mice via unilateral nephrectomy (Fig. 4A). After 2 weeks of culture invivo, the grafts were removed and related molecular markerswere detected (Fig. 4B-G). Kidneyorganoids transplanted in the subcutaneous armpit of mice could notbe detected in the control group (data not shown). Statisticalanalysis identified that the graft volumes (kidney organoids)increased significantly after transplantation, which suggested thatthe host supplied nutrients for the graft (Fig. 4C). HE staining results showed tubularstructures similar to renal tubules (Fig. 4D). A renal tubular marker (LTL) andglomerular marker (NPHS1) were detected using immunofluorescence.The present results demonstrated that some of the grafts werepositive for LTL, while the expression of ECAD in LTL-positivetubules was negative, indicating that the tubular structure wasimmature (Fig. 4E). There weresporadic NPHS1-positive grafts, suggesting the presence of kidneypodocytes (Fig. 4F). The molecularmarker CD31 was partially positive in vascular epithelial cells,indicating the formation of blood cells (Fig 4G).
The cells were placed on a Transwell membrane and 3Dculturing was performed. After 5 days, 200 ng/ml FGF9 was replacedwith a simple differentiation medium, APEL, for 2 weeks.Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed that hiPSC-induced kidneyorganoids in vitro comprised renal tubules, collecting ductsand renal podocytes. However, numerous problems are stillassociated with inducing kidney organoids in vitro, as renaltubular differentiation is not mature, no mature glomerularstructure was observable, and the nutrient supply limitation hadnot been solved. Another experiment (Fig. S1) and other previous studies(16,17) demonstrated that unilateral nephrectomy promotedthe growth of another kidney graft. Kidney organoids induced invitro were transplanted into the renal capsules ofimmunodeficient mice and then one of their kidneys was removed tocreate an environment conducive to kidney organoid growth. At 2weeks after transplantation, the kidneys were removed, stained withHE and subjected to immunofluorescence analysis. The presentresults demonstrated that the kidney organoid volumes wereincreased significantly compared with those before transplantation,suggesting that the kidney organoids obtained nutrients from thehost, and CD31 positivity indicated the presence of vascularendothelial cells (23). However, nopositive ECAD expression was observed, which is related to thedifferentiation and maturation of renal tubules (7). No marked difference in the expressionof molecular markers of podocytes was observed between the invivo and in vitro-induced kidney organoids.
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